Learning About Diagnosing Automotive ProblemsLearning About Diagnosing Automotive Problems

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Learning About Diagnosing Automotive Problems

Hello, I’m Mark. When I purchased my newest car, it was sputtering and dying within a few minutes of starting up. I suspected the fuel system, but had to perform diagnostic procedures to make sure. I spent hours tracking down the problem using diagnostic tools and techniques suggested by the manual. I created this site to help others avoid this long process by offering diagnosis tips and tricks. I want people to be able to diagnose their own car problems or at least understand the process performed by their mechanics. Please feel free to visit my site anytime to learn more.

Is Your Vehicle's Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Going Bad?

Were you aware that your vehicle has a sensor that actually measures the position of the accelerator pedal? Rather than the pedal acting as a physical lever that sends more fuel and air to the engine, modern vehicles have a sensor that reads how much you've pressed down on the pedal and makes adjustments accordingly. Here is how you can tell if something is wrong with this sensor and requires auto repair.

Error Codes 

There are a variety of different error codes that your accelerator pedal position sensor can give to indicate that there is a problem. For example, code P0120 indicates that there is a problem with the sensor giving off an abnormal voltage reading. 

You'll notice that you have an error code by a warning light illuminating your dashboard. The only way to read this code is to plug a computer into your vehicle's onboard diagnostic port. A mechanic has the tools to do this, and can even help interpret what is wrong with your car and narrow it down to the accelerator pedal position sensor.

Don't want to take your vehicle to a mechanic? You can purchase a code scanner from your local auto parts store that will tell you what error code you are getting. With a bit of research online, you may be able to narrow in on which part is malfunctioning.

Poor Acceleration

Have you been pressing down on your accelerator pedal and sense a bit of hesitation between the action and when your vehicle actually increases in speed? This is happening from the accelerator sensor struggling to tell the exact position that that pedal is in. This type of delay in acceleration is incredibly unsafe due to not having full control of your vehicle and should be addressed immediately. 

You can also experience a problem with slow acceleration. Your vehicle may be quick to react that you've put pressure on the accelerator pedal, but is not reading that you've applied more pressure to it to make the vehicle go faster. 

Limp Mode

It's also possible that your vehicle goes into limp mode, which is a safety feature designed to protect your vehicle. This typically restricts your vehicle to slow speeds and limits you from going above second or third gear, which gives you just enough power to get your vehicle to a mechanic to investigate the problem. You will know that your vehicle is in limp mode due to having a check engine light on.