Learning About Diagnosing Automotive ProblemsLearning About Diagnosing Automotive Problems

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Learning About Diagnosing Automotive Problems

Hello, I’m Mark. When I purchased my newest car, it was sputtering and dying within a few minutes of starting up. I suspected the fuel system, but had to perform diagnostic procedures to make sure. I spent hours tracking down the problem using diagnostic tools and techniques suggested by the manual. I created this site to help others avoid this long process by offering diagnosis tips and tricks. I want people to be able to diagnose their own car problems or at least understand the process performed by their mechanics. Please feel free to visit my site anytime to learn more.

Tips For Troubleshooting Your Van’s Wheelchair Lift That Refuses To Raise Up

If you have a van with a wheelchair lift so you can transport your loved one, you may have found that it will not raise up after loading them onto the platform. If so, use the following tips to troubleshoot the stuck lift to see if there is a simple solution to the problem. Restart Your Van The first thing you should try when the lift refuses to raise up is restarting your van. Read More 

Insight And Options Into Having Your Vehicle Body Damage Repaired

When your vehicle has been in an accident or collision that has caused any type of damage to its body, depending on the severity of the damage, it can affect your vehicle's performance and appearance. Most vehicle body damage can lead to rust and corrosion that will cause deteriorate to your vehicle more quickly. You have several options on the type of repairs you seek to restore its appearance, so here is some insight into your options and what you can expect with a professional vehicle body repair. Read More